Before putting your finished image onto the screen it’s good practice to check that the artwork repeats both horizontally and vertically. This also helps you visualize how the pattern will come together in the printing process, without the aid of a  computer.

Supplies Needed:
Cutting knife,
Cutting board,
Copy of your artwork.

 1 - Fold your artwork in half both horizontally and vertically.


2 - Number each quarter 1 through 4.

3 - Using the straight edge and cutting blade, slice the copy of your artwork into 4 quarters.

4 - Move quarters 1 and 2 to the bottom and then 2 and 4 to the left side, tape to secure them.

5 - Consider the negative space and adjust the pattern where you feel it’s needed. 

6 - Once you’ve adjusted the pattern, arrange the quarters into their original sequence.  Use this as a road map and adjust your original artwork as needed.

Join me in the studio this June to learn more around printing repeats for textiles.  In this intimate class you’ll team up with a studio mate to develop and produce your own micro collections.  With hands on demonstrations and problem solving throughout the course, you will print two meters of organic cotton/linen and work through the steps from repeat pattern development to screen prep, colour mixing, registration, and finally printing. At the end of this four week course you will have a better understanding of the process, materials and the history of textile printing.

Find out more by following this link...