About Improv Curves...
This is a focused workshop on improvisational curves. A lot of people are scared off my curves – precise or improvised – but there is no need to be. Improv curves are the ultimate in liberation. They are as sharp or gradual as you want. Once you grasp the fundamental technique anything is possible.
What is Improv?
Improv is about the process more than the final product. But you usually get a pretty cool product at the end. Let go of patterns, kits, single fabric lines, and perfect points. Embrace wonkiness. Take pleasure in slashing your fabric. Start sewing without a plan. You can do it!
Improv and Fabric...
When it comes to fabric one particular piece of fabric can cause you to buy or pull out a dozen coordinating fabrics. Or maybe you will look at your pile of scraps and want to tackle them in a new and interesting way. What about colour? A monochromatic look is a fantastic way to tackle improv. You can also showcase a favourite fabric while rationing it depending on the technique you choose.
Join Cheryl and I in her Improve workshop focused on curves tomorrow evening in the studio. Don't miss out and sign up here...