The process begins with a detailed sketch, mark or line drawing and the art work is then transferred to the computer to be engineered into a continuous pattern repeat. Before printing to transparency art work is separated into layers, for each colour and each layer is applied to a single screen.

Natalie Gerber Studio uses a water-based pigment printing system that is low in VOC’s and does not contain PVC or Phthalates and it does not require the use of solvents or harsh chemicals during clean up. The studio is proud to use a wash out filter that keeps excess pigment waste from entering the waste water system.

Printing on fabric is achieved by moving pigment across the screen, back and forth from lead to assistant printer, using a squeegee. The method used is rooted in a long-standing tradition of hand printing textiles.

The Studio uses a variety of natural and organic fabrics sourced within Canada and North America, and additionally provides a range of GOTS* and Oeko-Tex* certified fabrics.